Parts not found or shows no stock?

If the part you are looking for is not listed that does not mean we do not have it, it is just not listed. Please contact us via request a quote, call or email us.


If you are buying for a resell, please contact us to check if the chosen item is eligible for additional business discount.

No shipping rate?

If the shopping cart is not giving you a shipping rate, please contact us. it might depend on what is to be shipped, where and how.

What's next?

After paying for the order online with credit / debit card or PayPal, you will be getting the tracking notification.

For ACH, Bank Wire Transfer payment orders, once you hit place order button there will be a confirmation with order # and you will receive a proforma invoice with our company bank details and payment instructions in a separate email in PDF format.

Can not add to cart?
If you can not add the product to cart, that means we do not have an estimated ship date available to show in the inventory status, please check ETA by calling or emailing us. As an optopn please click on "Let me know when you have it" form.
Volume discount?

Sure, please contact us with part number and quantity you need, and we will work on getting additional discount based on the amount subtotal.

Will it fit?

We supply parts based on the part numbers provided by the customers and do not confirm whether compatible or not. You may request a picture from us prior to shipping to make sure.

Where are you located?

NTL Parts LLC is USA based business and most of the parts we ship are from the US. Some are coming from the EU on a stock order.

Payment options

We accept all major payment methods:

  • Credit / Debit Card issued by a US bank (additional 3% fee is charged).

For new customers, we prefer to ship to the billing address, otherwise if the shipping address is different from the billing one - additional information might be required to approve the transaction. For regular customers or business customers we can ship or drop ship, subject to approval.
For international orders, we would suggest paying with PayPal or Bank Wire Transfer, please see the details below.

  • PayPal (additional 3.5% PayPal fee is charged).

To maintain customer and seller protection, we are required by PayPal to ship the goods only to the address associated with PayPal as confirmed. If this address is outside the US, we will prepay freight and add it to the Invoice.

  • ACH payment has no fee and we can ship wherever you like., even for the first time orders.

We issue an invoice with bank account details upon request.

  • Bank wire transfer ($25.00 fixed fee).

This option is best for international orders. We issue an invoice with bank account details upon request.
- Check payment you can mail us a check and it will take around 3 days to deposit the check once we receive it.
- NET Terms are provided on a case by case basis. To set up terms additional info might be required and subject to approval.